Indarsingh slams scrap iron export ban


Member of Parliament for Couva South Rudranath Indarsingh is condemning Government’s decision to impose a six-month ban on exports from the scrap metal industry.

In a statement on Wednesday, Indarsingh accused the government of penalising the entire industry because of the ongoing theft of copper by the criminal elements.

He said: “This Government continues to kill jobs, kill industries, kill sectors and take away the bread and butter of people in this country. Placing a ban on exports will compromise the well-being of the industry, which provides an income in these hard economic times for families trying to get by. The issue isn’t the scrap iron industry. The issue is the criminal elements within the industry, in terms of those vandalizing and stealing scrap iron, and those who purchase and re-sell those ill-gotten goods.”

The Couva South MP is calling on Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to create a cohesive plan targeting the criminal elements rather than imposing a ban on the industry.

He said: “We are calling on the Prime Minister, the Ministry of National Security, the Minister of Public Utilities and the Commissioner of Police to do the work instead of sleeping on the job, or it would seem that the only arm of the State around the Prime Minister Dr Rowley that is working hard to alleviate any suffering is the Special Branch.”


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